
In A Coma Productions is a powerfully creative and energetic Film and Television Production Company, located on the shores of beautiful British Columbia.  The company has gathered together a group of multi-talented people, with the mandate to develop and produce high quality Motion Pictures and Television series for both domestic and world wide release.  Our ability to do this in a cost conscious way, while still keeping production values high, is what sets apart from the rest of the industry.  We are able to accomplish this because we have the right people.  Unlike other production companies, we do not farm out any part of the creative process.  Screenplays and teleplays are developed and written ‘in house’.  Every aspect of Pre-production (budgeting, set-construction, etc.), Production (direction, photography, etc.) and Post-production (editing, music, etc.) is handled by our highly skilled team.  This is what gives us our edge both creatively and monetarily.

In A Coma Productions
270 East 13th Avenue
Vancouver, BC V5Z 4J3

Hoping to make a Submission?

In A Coma Productions does not accept any unsolicited submissions at this time.

Copyright © freshface 2013